Saturday, August 11, 2012

Utilize the Down-Time!

As much as I wanted to go to Kirwan's (my FLGS) for their charity tourney, I had to stay home to keep an eye on things there, as well as take care of my parent's spastic dog. Either way, it gave me some time to keep plugging away at the GIGANTIC collection of miniatures I've built up for times like these.

This was how it started out this morning...
I only wanted to start plugging away at the random vehicles I have to work on. I wish I took more WIP shots, but I was in the "zone", and realized that I need to redo my freaking Valkyrie. The paint job I was attempting for its interior is rather... lackluster.

 The Rhino kit is something I'm putting together for my Inquisition forces. It's coming along steadily. I'm kinda pissed that I screwed up the rear hatch, but overall, the Rhino-based kits are a blast to put together. They're more friendly than the Chimera kits; that's for sure!

A shot of my first semi-completed vehicle interior
Not my best work, but it's something that'll suffice. I know it's not Golden Demon material, but I just hope I'm improving.

I found this gem of a miniature from Reaper Miniatures. I know it's a bit off-scale from GW's "heroic" repertoire, but I think it'll be a nice Astropath/Primaris Psyker stand-in. That, and having a female model on the table changes things up a bit. Thank god for Liquid Green Stuff. It's interesting to work with.

 I normally HATE anything Chaos related, if my Inquisition-oriented army hasn't displayed. Regardless, ever since I read his fluff in the old Heroes and Villains book, I always thought Cypher was awesome, which is in no way, shape or form also helped along by my disinclination toward the Dark Angels. I thought he had a pretty awesome back-story and that the model itself was well done. Even for the crazy proportions of 3rd Edition models, he was awesome.

Another WIP shot of him. Very Assassin's Creed-ish...
All in all, I hope I can do this model some justice. I don't know how I'd play this guy, but I'm sure I can fit him in somewhere, or at least have him as a stand-in for an Inquisitor or something. We'll see...

I'm starting to have a change of heart for Vallejo paints. I picked up this kit from another hobby shop in the Albany area, and used them today for my interior work for the Rhino. After finally getting my paint-to-thinner ratio correct, these paints really were worth their weight in gold. Vallejo really has been an interesting kind of paint to work with, thought I do wish there was a dealer around here that sold some Reaper paints. I want to give them another shot as well.

...and this is what the table looks like now!
I'm VERY glad the rest of my family isn't home right now. I've cleaned the table up some since this picture was taken, but it's safe to say I think I'll be painting for a while. Thank god I love it! It feels so good to finally have my motivation back to do some hobby work again!

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