So yeah. Hudson's Bacon Fest was yesterday, and boy; am I glad I went. Sarcasm aside, no one should run a festival dedicated to bacon, and then proceed to run out of said bacon 2 hours into the festival. *end rant*
Anyway, much progress has been made over the past several insomnia-fueled days. I've been hanging around my FLGS a lot more often, and as a result, the motivation to keep chugging along on my army has been pretty strong. I'm glad to stay on track; to do something I love so much, and most importantly, have the support to keep at it.
completely forgot I had this classic Hellhound model laying around. I think I got it as a Christmas present well over 4 years ago. I had a lot of difficulty getting the hull together when I first got the model, and I ended up back-shelving the project. Thank God I managed to dig this one up out of the random box of old terrain projects I had in the basement. It might not be updated with all of the more recent optional weaponry, but it never hurts to have an extra Hellhound on the field, right?
From the random "graveyard" of projects I almost gave up on... |
Thanks to the assistance of one of my friends at the FLGS, he managed to help me start piecing together the old Chimera-based hull. I've kept the model limited at this stage, as I want to find a way to at least magnetize the hull-mounted weapons. They get melta-guns this time around! Who can pass that up?
For the lulz |
I also got my hands on one of the new Hellhound models, mostly for the new weapon loadouts. I thankfully have some spray primer to help speed these guys along!
Finally starting to look like something, eh? |
As underused as the Leman Russ Vanquisher is, this particular project is really starting to grow on me. As you can see, I have finally displayed the slightly-Orky turret onto the tank, with a fresh new upper hull piece I got from a previous resolution GW managed to help me out with a few years back. I also managed to strip off a lot of the old paint, leaving a conveniently durable metal-toned primer behind. The treads also held onto their black primer, too.
I love seeing the old archive bits on this thing! |
The previous owner of this tank did a good job extending the barrel of the Battle Cannon, though I'm hoping to build up the sides of the extension with some strip styrene scraps I have laying around. I want to Imperial up this tank!
This'll be the last thing my enemies will see! |
Like with the Hellhound, I want to make sure I can wait until I get my hands on some magnets so I can swap out the hull-mounted guns when I need to. Thankfully, some eBay auctions went my way. I just need to wait for the last ones to wrap up and get here...
I managed to get some really nice bases from the awesome people over at
Micro Art Studios. I figured they'd be good for the urban-themed army that I'm building now, so I can have this Catachan CS really stand out. I'm not too sure how I want to build these guys, so I only have some bare legs/torsos on them now. I can't wait to start work on them!
Coming along nicely, eh? |
very happy about how good my stealthy veteran squad is looking. I was originally planning to have these guys as Forward Sentries. As a result, I think I'll outfit them with some sniper rifles to really make a mess of things for enemy infantry formations. I didn't happen to get a picture of them yet, but I do have some classic Cadian sniper models that are going to fit the bill perfectly next to these guys.
"Sight unseen, commander." |
I still need to kit out these guys, but that'll come together soon enough.
I took these pictures a few days ago, so I've actually have made more progress on my projects than what I've posted. I hope to have a more updated entry in by Thursday night. We'll see how it goes soon enough! We'll be back!