Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What?! Lego Zombie Apocalypse?

Geekologie did it again!

Now if only this was an actual Lego series... I would totally start buying them again. It's bad enough I'm tempted to get the Space Police sets all the stores are selling at discount prices.

Anyway, check the link!

Kudos to the original sources!

Back to Basics: 40k Alternative Hobby Stuffs

Whew! This whole job hunt thing is really biting into my "find spare time for random crap" time.

Anyway, unless you've been living under a rock or are just starting to get into the world of Warhammer 40k, you may notice a lot of Games Workshop's items are rather...pricey. Coming from a college post-grad, pricey is bad. Granted, scale model building and miniature wargaming definitely do not work best for the cheap and stingy.

However, the guys at Warmaster 40k posted an article a while back concerning the common practice of finding good alternatives to all of Games Workshop's massively overpriced hobby tools and supplies.

I'm sure if you're reading this, there's nothing here that is too groundbreaking for you. However, this particular article references GW's old paint supplier, as well as a merchant selling said paint for about $1.50 each jar. Now, if you really like Citadel paints, this is a GODSEND. Check it here!

Now...off to actually do something with my army...