Friday, February 26, 2010

This totally deserves a "Holy $#!T" chant

Wrestlers Need A Chair And Fans Deliver - Watch more Funny Videos

It's the simple things in life you treasure the most.

Mick Foley is the man.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The ONE Video Game I Can't Wait For...

Now THIS is my kind of RPG!

Now...about that release date...

A Change in Ideas

This insomnia thing is killing me...

Anyway, after some careful thought (and me wanting to distance myself from LiveJournal), I figured one of the better things I could do is revamp my Blogger page! I figured that limiting this blog just to wargaming would be somewhat boring. It would make things a bit more organized, but at the same time, I don't feel like having to manage multiple blog sites. At least, not until I can actually get a decent amount of spare time to myself anyway.

So yeah. I'll be posting a lot more up here concerning all of my geeky finds and interests from here on out. And hopefully, I'll be able to get some work done on my fledging 40k army. Here's to geekdom!